Events and Activities

NUVELCO, NGCP partner a new for Lineman’s Training

Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya.  Geared toward strengthening partnership and enhancing linemen’s skills, the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) and the Nueva Vizcaya Electric Cooperative (NUVELCO) jointly conducted a two-day lineman’s basic training program that focuses on safety courses as well as the core modules such as installation, operation and maintenance of power line on March 29-30, 2017 held at NGCP Sub-station, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya.

In recognition to this, NGCP personnel share their expertise and knowledge on proper line maintenance, preparations and operations.  Through this training, NGCP aims to raise the standard and quality of service which NUVELCO provides to its customers, and in turn, build a higher standard in the Philippine power industry.

“Through the constant training of our personnel, we are trying to level up the skills and work practices of our linemen,” Evelyn Guevara, Staff Assistant and Institutional Manager of NUVELCO said.

Last year, the same seminar-training was conducted jointly by NUVELCO and NGCP.# Fredel L. Salvador


About Nuvelco

National Highway, Brgy. Gabut, Dupax del Sur, Nueva Vizcaya

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  • GLOBE 0935-812-1081 Solano/Villaverde/Quezon

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