Events and Activities

Nuvelco Conducts School Supplies Distribution

Solano, Nueva Vizcaya. Two hundred eighty (280) pupils of the Concepcion Elementary School, Brgy. Concepcion, Solano, this province, are the recipients of the school supplies distribution on August 5, 2016 conducted by the Graduate School of Aldersgate College.

There has been a long request from the said school that an outreach activity be conducted because there are numerous indigent families who could not afford to send and provide the school supplies of their children.

“The school feel that it is our social obligation to share our blessings to the underprivileged families who could hardly provide the basic school needs of the children,” said Daton Palitayan, Jr., Chairman of the Outreach Program of the school.

The undertaking is a joint project of Aldersgate College, the Nueva Vizcaya Electric Cooperative (Nuvelco), and San Miguel Energy Corporation (SMEC) who equally contributed to the purchase of the different bags complete with school supplies.

About Nuvelco

National Highway, Brgy. Gabut, Dupax del Sur, Nueva Vizcaya

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  • GLOBE 0935-812-1081 Solano/Villaverde/Quezon

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